Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Casino in Evansville, and a drive to Columbia, MO

We had a good show last night in Evansville, IN. Beautiful theater, ok neighborhood, not much to do really. UNLESS, you take the shuttle from the hotel and go 14 blocks to the Aztar Casino. It wasn't hopping at 1130PM on a Monday night, but there were 4 tables of poker open in their room.

The back table was a 2/5 PLO game. My friend Ira, who is one of the reed players on the tour, plays Omaha almost exclusively. He sat down with the minimum buy in of $100. He ended up with $170 and went upstairs to play Carribean Stud where he hit a full house and the dealer qualified for another $175. Good job man!

There were 2 1-5 7 Stud tables open and 1 5-10 HE table. I sat down in a stud game while I waited for a seat to open up at 5-10. My first hand I got rolled up Aces. Kid to my right raised on 3rd street, I reraised to isolate. Heads up we got 2 bets in on 4th, 3 bets in on 5th, and 1 bet on the last 2 streets each. He had split 4's to start and picked up 2 pair. Later in that game we were joined by a drunk man who was drinking Dramboui straight. He decided to raise every hand on every street. I picked up split Aces one hand and finally slowed him down and got him to fold on 6th street when he had 2 diamonds showing. I made about $55 in that game and went over to the 5/10 game.

I got into a disagreement with the biggest hick you've ever seen at the game. It's too long to type about here, but he basically called me a "stupid internet kid who doesn't know how to play real cards. He likes to gamble." He got mad at me because I had the best hand on every street and got him to fold on the river with a worse hand. Why would he be mad at me then? I'm not even exaggerating either. It was ridiculous. He then proceeded to spit out percantages which were completely bogus about how far behind I was in the hand blah blah blah, when I was the clear favorite. I layed into him a little bit at the table and got most of the people there to laugh a little bit about how ridiculous this guy was being. He then proceeded to go broke soon after this. Vindication, one time!

We left Evansville today and drove 300 miles to Columbia, MO. Stopped over in St. Louis for lunch at Union Station, a "mall" of sorts that looks like an old train station. It was alright, I wasn't that impressed with anything there. After lunch I watched half on "Deus Ex Machina" from Lost with Jeff, one of our trumpet players. That's the ep that ends with Boone falling down with the plane and Locke over the hatch. Good stuff, makes me remember how good the show is when it's good. This past week was an awesome ep, which makes me also realize how filler the show gets inbetween the "HOLY CRAP" moments. But I digress....

While driving, I saw a billboard for something I never thought that I would see. Apparently Pheasant hunting is big here. Big enough to have a billboard with an advertisement for their website.

I especially like this pic. I'd like to see this kid in 20 years.

We had no show tonight which was a welcome change, as we now go for quite a few days without another day off. Till March 19th to be exact. Unfortunatly, I got a little sick during this time and had a fever and aches and chills and everything. Lot of people went to the bar and the gym while I stayed in and watched Scrubs and The Amazing Race. Whew, this was a long one, if you made it this far, congratulations. You win....nothing


Anonymous said...

dont tap the glass ya knows....

Anonymous said...

truer words were never spoken

mary beth said...

I love Scrubs! I just started watching it and think it's so funny! Scott thinks it's funny when I watch shows like that cause I bust out laughing when I'm by myself :) Hope you are feeling better!!

Anonymous said...

I like scrubs too. But the Tyra show is better.