Thursday, April 20, 2006

Fresno, Poker, Baseball, and Airport Gambling

We flew from Spokane WA to Fresno CA on Monday and our Reed II player Ira and I had begun a series of heads up matches. The guidelines were the following:

Best 2 of 3 in NL Hold em and Pot Limit Omaha for $20 a series. The last night in the hotel, I absolutly destroyed him in both games (haha) and won $40. Jeff, one of my roomates is now hooked on poker and wanted to play a $5 3 person tourney with us. I won that too, up $50 for the night.

We continued playing these matches on the airport floor waiting for our flight and it was pretty much over right away. I took him for another $40 and gave him the chance to win some back in PL Omaha, arguably his best game. The last hand had me having KK23 with 2 clubs on a board of A34 with 2 clubs. We jammed the pot and Ira had flopped the nuts with the wheel (doh!!). I missed twice and it was over, ending only $60 ahead. Oh well, that's enough to buy some Quizznos till the end of tour.

We flew in and our trusty bus driver who knows I like the poker, told me of a card room, Club One Casino, right down the street. I was tired on Monday night, so I didn't go, instead opting to watch 24. I DID however, go down and play on Tuesday morning around 1130. The plan was to stay until 5, but I pretty much got my ass kicked and was down $200. I went back inbetween sound check and my show and played 2/4, got in an argument with the dealer over 2 stupid things. I don't want to go into it, I was livid at the time. Suffice to say, the dealer should just keep his mouth shut and move the game along. Insulting players is in no way acceptable and should not be tolerated. I also will not tip dealers who act like this, and this instigated mini arugument #3. Anyway, I made back $32 playing 2/4 and had to go to my show. Afterwards, I played 3/6 again and made back $102, leaving myself down $66 for the day.

A perfect way to start the day before a show

Today a bunch of us went to the Fresno Grizzlies game, the SF Giants AAA team. They were playing the AAA Dodgers team, the Las Vegas 51's. I've never been to a minor league game before and it was awesome. We got seats right behind home plate for $13, drank beer, ate hot dogs and snowcones and everything. The weather was beautiful, it really was a perfect day. They even ended up winning 3-2 with some nice play and good pitching. For pictures of today's game and event go to my picture page. Oh yeah, Parker is the mascot for the Grizzlies and Annie had the best line of the day spoken really softly. "I swear Parker is really Mr. Met, but they found out he touched a kid, and sent him down here."

After the game, I went back to Club One and started off running really well right off the bat, up $141 without blinking. After losing several rough pots, I was up only $30 when I decided enough was enough, cutting the deficit to $36 loss for the 2 days. Tomorrow we drive to Redding, CA and then onto Reno for the weekend. The sick thing is that my taxes are due to direct deposit the day we pull in on Friday. I plan on logging 30 hours at the table this weekend, so blogging might be infrequent. I'll tell y'all how I do!


Anonymous said...

what happened with the dealer fight? he insulted you? taking shots at greggers?

Pete said...

yes lets hear about the dealer fight

the legendary gregg-dealer battles are always fun to hear about

Anonymous said...

sup dude?