Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Some ramblings, and a much needed break

I have decided to take a break from playing cards for a week or so. After tonight's freeroll at Eddie's, which I'm trying to get excited about, but lacking enthusiasm, I will not play until next week in St. Louis. Honestly, the thought just isn't that exciting anymore. This all stems from a beating I took at the 5/10 game the other night. I was pissed about losing my buy in, and I've just been in a funk ever since. Also, I haven't been feeling well lately, just very run down, but I know why. A good break from the game will hopefully invigorate me, and I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing 5 days in St. Louis. Oops, then I have Hall's freeroll the Tuesday after that.

So anyway, shopping in the mall I came across the conclusion that FYE and Saturday Matinee are in fact the same goddamn store. FYE focuses more on music, but carries movies, while the latter just carries movies. The prices there are absurdly expensive compared to Best Buy and even Amazon sometimes, but it apprears that people don't know any better and are price fixed into spending more money, regardless of which in-mall store they choose. I guess they figure, kids are going to hang out in malls anyway, so they'll pay whatever prices we tell them too. You don't see kids congregating at Best Buy to shoot the shit.

Well, for the 6 people that actually read this, have a happy holiday and the best of luck to everyone in the new year. I will post after Eddie's game tonight, but after that I probably won't have anything until '05. Rock, rock on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enjoy it. Happy Holidays. -Will